ANATEL Certification
We help your company obtain the ANATEL certification for your products:
Bureaucractic Part:
Documentation check of equipment, manufacturer and factory (ISO9001:2015)
Document check of User's Manual and Technical Specifications
Document check of Grantee's legal paperwork
Internal and External Pictures of the Products
Certificate Holder, per ANATEL regulations (optional)
Technical Part:
Product Specs' analysis to determine the ANATEL test requirements
We find the best options of OCDs (Designated Certification Body) and test labs to work with.
Support to prepare samples and test mode
Technical support during lab tests
Analysis of eventual test failures
Discussion on technical issues with the manufacturer (English and Spanish also spoken)
Support to debug test failures until final approval
Verification of ANATEL Certificate of Conformance for correctness
Follow-up of ANATEL process till product gets the Certificate of Homologation
Product life time alerts for ANATEL certification's maintenances.
We can become your sales agent in Latin America